Boys at the beach

Boys at the beach

Monday, April 2, 2012

Pascha Baskets

Every year we plant baskets with wheat grass for Pascha.  Every year I forget to do this until about two weeks before, and then worry that the grass will not have enough time to grow, or that there won't be enough sun and I will have to use plastic grass in our baskets.  But I can't recall a year that the grass did not grow at least enough to look pretty.  So, in keeping with tradition, I started the process last night. Well, really the night before that when I put the wheatberries to soak in water.

Then I put soil into our Pascha baskets.  I lined the baskets with plastic bags first.  Usually I spend a lot of time cutting plastic bags and lining the baskets.  This year I got smart and just filled the bags with a little soil, stuck them in the baskets and then trimmed all the excess bag around the edges.  I also was very recycle-y and used soil from a hanging plant that we sadly did not manage to keep alive.  About now, my little brother would be saying "cool story, brah", so in the interest of not boring you, I'll move on with the process.  If you're bored already though, you might want to stop reading, it doesn't get that much more interesting.

Then we put copious amounts of wheatberries on top of the soil.  You really just cover the soil. 

I moved them outside, to a place that gets sunshine, and where they won't get TOO wet with rain, although a little is very good, of course.  The wheatberries need to stay damp as they germinate.  Bluejay is my prime waterer.  He's very diligent about it.  I have to put the baskets back on a table out of reach after our twice-daily spritzing, or they will get knocked over when he surreptitiously increases the watering frequency.

I'm glad he's so dedicated about it, though, because I tend to forget.  Last year he single-handedly watered those seeds to life.  More pictures to come as our grass (hopefully) grows!


  1. Oh good heavens I adore you and your vocabulary. Copious. Surreptitiously. Spritzing. I couldn't be less bored.

  2. Oh my goodness, that is such a great idea!
