Our little garden. Much thanks to Aaron's godfather and his daughter, who invited Bluejay and Chickadee over a few weeks ago, and then sent them home with a tomato plant, an eggplant plant, a squash plant, a lemon cucumber plant, a basil plant and two pots of flowers. We have a big eggplant already that is almost ready to harvest, and I've been using the basil in various cooking. We love watering our fast growing little container garden.
Swim lessons. I took all 4 children to the pool for eight days (only the older two were actually taking lessons). A few of the days I was able to bring our teenage neighbor to help me out, but mostly I did it by myself. And I rocked it. I think the key to parenting lots of littles is a) go slow, and b) don't panic. If you can do both of those things, you can pretty much do anything. It's not as easy as it sounds, though. Hahahaha.
I have lots of pictures of Bluejay and Chickadee swimming, but I realized that they include lots of other people's children, so I'm not going to post them on my blog. But here are the two younger ones, being troopers at the pool.
The things Sparrow says these days. We've been using the record player lately and have the first Beatles album, which belonged to Aaron's mom. I was putting on a record and Sparrow kept saying "I want wadybugs! I want wadybugs!" (That's ladybugs, for those of you who don't speak toddler). I finally figured it out: "Oh, you want the Beatles." "Mmm hmm," he said, very satisfied.
Also, he has a friend named Emmiliana. I was singing Karma Chameleon the other day (don't ask me why, I don't even like that song), and later I heard Sparrow singing "Comb, comb, comb, comb, comb Emmiliana".
He's a funny boy.
Baby girl got sick for the first time. Oh, how that hurts a mama's heart. She is fine, and handled it like a champ, and I did too, although not quite as bravely, since I got very worried the first morning she woke up at 4am with a fever, and then again later when our lactation consultant suggested I make sure she didn't have pneumonia.