Boys at the beach

Boys at the beach

Monday, May 14, 2012

Greetings and Prayers

Bluejay loves the Christ is risen greeting.  He also loves the Paschal troparion.  Last year, although he was barely talking yet, he insisted we sing it before every meal LONG after we had taken leave of the Paschal period and entered into Pentecost.  I suspect this year will be the same, now that he knows it in its entirety and is often found singing it while going down for a nap.  And he continually greets us with "Christ is risen!" throughout the day.  He is a natural at being in the spirit of the feast at all times.  

As I was sneaking a few moments to shower today, he popped his head into the bathroom to say "Christ is risen, Mom".  The other day, when he was in his room at my command after having hit his sister one too many times, he opened the door to tell me, 
      "I will not do it again, Mom."  
      "I know," I said, "but you said that last time. You still need to stay in your room."
      "Ok," he replied, and shut the door again.  A moment later the door popped open again and he said,
      "Christ is risen, Mom."  Thank goodness I was in the kitchen comforting Chickadee.
      "Indeed He is risen," I said, "but you still need to stay in your room."

This boy was thrilled to drive Uncle G's new riding mower, with his daddy.

As this Sunday is the leave taking of Pascha, one more time:

Christ is risen from the dead
Trampling down death by death
And upon those in the tombs
Bestowing life



  1. The boy's uncle looks very much like the husband of one of my Goddaughters, I had to do a double take :)
    Christ is Risen!

  2. So funny! That's actually my husband :-) But my godmother is in Oregon! I realize that my caption made it sound like it was Bluejay's uncle.
    Indeed He is Risen!

    1. Well then, your husband looks like the husband of one of my Goddaughters :) I am sure the mistake was mine.

  3. No word verification!!!!!!!! ;)

    Your boy is hilarious. I love it- "Indeed, He is risen, but you still have to stay in your room." So funny.

  4. Man, that brought tears to my eyes. I burst out laughing. I love that little dude.
