Boys at the beach

Boys at the beach

Thursday, February 2, 2012

End of January Daybook


Outside my window... It is dark, and cooling down, but it was another lovely, warm January day.  I wonder if we will be hit by some long wet days in February and March?

I am thinking... About going to my cozy bed, where I should probably already be right now.

I am thankful... For the thorns.  During his sermon several weeks ago Father quoted Alexander Solzhenitsyn as stating, towards the end of his life, that he had thanked God for all the blessings in his life, all of the roses, but he had neglected to thank him for the thorns.  This really struck me.  I have had a lot of what I have taken as "thorns" in my life in the past year.  But, the more I think about them, the more I really am grateful for them.  These unfortunate events have served to set me on a path that I had been searching and searching for, without my even realizing it was happening.  More on that in a future post that's in the works.  In any event, I am grateful for the thorns, and God's unceasing persistance in teaching me humility.

In the kitchen... Roast chicken, carrots with brown sugar, potato casserole that my sister made and delicious salad that my aunt made.  Two of my aunts were visiting so it was a lovely family dinner.

I am wearing... My soft, purple and white Liz Claiborne pajamas, and NOT very old worn out shorts and very large men's V-neck T-shirts.  Those are going to the rag bag.  It's time to not look like a slob at bedtime any more.  They were nice when I was huge and pregnant and didn't want anything elastic touching my skin.  But I haven't been pregnant for almost 11 months!  Moving on...

I am creating... I just framed a picture of Chickadee for my mother in a tiny little wood and stone mosaic frame which belonged to my great-grandmother.  It didn't fit perfectly, but there is gold foil behind the photograph.  I think she will still like it.

I am going... To the opthamologist today.  I've been having a problem with what appears to be some sort of recurring eye infection, which means I cannot wear my contact lenses.  And since I am extremely near sighted, this is fairly debilitating as it's challenging to drive wearing my glasses, and in general I just can't see as well with them.  I'm really hoping they will be able to help me fix this situation!

I am wondering... If Chickadee will sleep a little better with the new sleeping arrangements we've tried to set up.  She's almost 11 months old.  That means, it's been 11 months since I've slept more than 5 hours at a time, and even 5 hours is rare, it's usually 2 or 3.  I need a little more sleep, and the baby does too.

I am reading... Some old Martha Stewart magazines, and some Cooks Illustrated magazines lent me by a friend.

I am hoping... That I will be able to maintain patience with having to wear glasses for several weeks.

I am looking forward to... Our trip to the East Coast in March!

I am learning... How to keep up a blog :-)

Around the house... It's really relatively tidy!  I think taking care of Little Man this  past month has helped me to be better about frequent, small tidy-ups whenever I am not holding a child.  And the husband has been so helpful on his days off, tackling one little area or another to help me keep up with things.  This morning he scrubbed the shower, which was terrible, only I can't tell since I don't have my eyes in when I shower.  That is the language of love to me!

I am pondering... Whether to even post this "Daybook" entry.  It's taken me more than one "day" to finish it.  Somehow I keep getting interrupted.

A favorite quote for today... Trying to find the Solzhenitsyn quote... 

One of my favorite things... Ordering things online.  Now I have a package to look forward to in the mail.

A few plans for the rest of the week: A visit with a friend tomorrow.  Finally taking a crack at setting up the new directory for our church on Saturday.  A Sunday with no other plans (??) I hope!  We're not really big Superbowl fans around here and we don't have TV.

A peek into my day...

This is how the living room typically looks

1 comment:

  1. Nice to read your post, and I do hope you keep it up, as it will be a journal for you to look back on.
    Hope the opthamologist was helpful.
    Blessings, Jan
