Boys at the beach

Boys at the beach

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Random Thoughts

Whenever I am making something in the kitchen (usually tea), Bluejay comes up, watches me silently for a moment, and then says hint-ily "I love tea" (or whatever it is I'm making).  How can you resist that?  He always gets some tea.  

Chickadee seems to be seriously trying to talk.  Maybe Bluejay was at this age too, and I was not swift enough to really notice it.  In any case, she is generally very clear on what she wants, and lately, usually it's Daddy and the Baby Bjorn.  She loves that thing.  She is really too big for it.  But, she loves it so much and it's so worn out, that there's no point in retiring it until it falls apart.  She'll see Daddy, then crawl over to the closet where it's kept and tries to pull it out.  

I am so encouraged to get comments here already, and from some lovely bloggers!  I feel like I'm going to be part of a wonderful club.  You don't know how much it makes my day to see a comment from one of you.

Alas, we did not make it to Vespers today.  I got Chickadee's stomach flu and stayed in bed most of the day yesterday.  We spent today as kind of a recovery day.  Also, the littlest one does not do very well in the car seat after it gets dark.  I've tried leaving the light on back there, talking to her, giving her favorite toys/books/snacks.  She's fine in the daytime, but not at night. And since my husband works on Saturdays, he usually meets us at church, which means we're driving separate cars on the way back, and I can't sit with her.  So, I admit that sometimes I'm a bit discouraged about the evening services.  I will be glad when it's light later!

Here are a few pictures of my dears reading.  In the second one, Bluejay is trying to show his book to the camera!

Wishing you all a lovely Sunday tomorrow!


  1. Hope you feel better soon Anastasia. The pictures are so cute. Please tell Bluejay that his book looks great!!! May you and your family have a blessed Sunday and week!

  2. I can hardly believe your little girl is only 10 months old! She looks so grown up with her long hair. My 18 month old has just a few wisps. :)
